Predefined Color Names


Colors by Hue

For the purposes of this chart, transparency was removed from all colors.

Colors by Hue and Then Saturation

Use this slider to change the background color and expose hidden colors.

In this fan chart, colors are organized around the circle by hue. Their distance from the center is determined by their saturation.

If a color was found more than once in the data it has a larger area. A color that was found three times has an area three times larger than a color that was found once. You may notice that there are duplicate named colors to account for alternate spellings. For example, SlateGrey and SlateGray.

If a color was found with varying levels of transparency each was included separately. Colors had their hue, saturation and lightness rounded to the nearest integer. Transparency was removed.

Unfortunately, using this style of chart has one main disadvantage. Some colors become hidden under other colors.